Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gnarls in the day time

I've been wondering what the dog does during the day, so I filmed her. It's pretty exciting.

 Enjoy - Shamucas

Friday, September 28, 2012

Tired in tires

Gnarls decided to take a nap in my brand new white tires for my fixie. I like how it's completely black behind her.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Ever seen a firework show in time lapse fashion? Me neither. Until now. Enjoy!

Filmed at Coors Field September 21, 2012 while sitting in center field.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Back in Denver

Been back in Denver for a month now and I'm just getting settled down. Now that I am back, I have dived right back into doing things I really missed. One, is making time lapses videos. I have a few from a while ago, so I made one the other day while Sarah and I biked to Mile High to tail gate for the Broncos and Steelers game. I would add music to the video, but I like this video without music.

Enjoy - Shamucas

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Nearing the end

Here I am up in Montana again with just a few weeks left remaining in the program. Before I left for Montana, we went on a week spike out to the Irish Wilderness. We hiked 7 miles into our campsite and couldn't find water. I have never been so terrified

Everyone getting ready to leave
Everyone ready to leave

Stay away bears. You can't get our food.

Having a little fun removing a tree with a felling ax.

Bottom cut with the cross saw

So much work
 After a week in the wilderness, we got called to a wildfire on our way back to St. Louis. It was my first real wildfire, and it was awesome. So much free food, and a night put up in a hotel.

And then I celebrated the 4th of July and said goodbye to St. Louis. We left for Montana the 5th. We went through South Dakota and hit up Wall Drug and Mount Rushmoore.

The first spike out was into Big Sheep Country and Dead Man's Lake Wilderness. It was an hour away from the highway on a dirt road.

Top of a really steep hill that I went down in 4 low and in 1st gear.

Making trail.

Filtering water 

Wild goose chase trying to find our team that was hiking.

Boss man had to pull out the map.

Back at Fleecer
My next spike out was in Thompson Park which is really close to Butte. I hiked around all week carrying a chain saw cutting out trees that blocked the trail. I hiked easily 25 to 30 miles.

Sweet tunnel

Before I went to work on this reroute we were making

After, no stumps.

Low Stumping
On our day off, we hiked up Red mountain.

My gear on the hike.

One day this last week, I went with Harold and blew up some rocks that blocked the trail. It was pretty much the coolest thing I have done all year.

Luke and Harold.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kelsey and a Ten Day


A girl in my program needed a companion to drive with her to Michigan, so I drove with her and got dropped off in Chicago. I love Chicago. I went and visited my awesome friend Kelsey and we went all over the city. We went to the Field Museum, which is the best museum I have ever seen, we ran a race, and we went to Goose Island Brewery

Start of the Cinco de Miler

Kelsey having a lot of fun running

Well hello lake

Action picture

Kelsey was passing every one

Chicago in the background

Goose Island beer tour

Sweet city scape


Free beer

Two thumbs of for free beer

Hey Goose!

And then I was back on my way back to St. Louis on the Mega Bus. It left Chicago at midnight and I got back to St. Louis at 5:30 am. I slept for an hour, and then went to work. I learned I was going on a ten day with service sites all around Missouri. I first started at Thousand Hills State Park up near Iowa for two days making a fire line, and then we went on all the way near Kansas City at Knob Noster State Park making a fire like from scratch. After 5 days there, I went all the way back up near Iowa to Mark Twain State Park and cut down hundred of Cedars.

Construction line behind me

Forest in front of me.

Trying to figure out where in the world we were suppose to put the line in at.

Cutting down snags that were in the way.

Line after we finished with it.

Getting ready to cut down a lot of trees.

It takes a lot of energy to cut down a cedar.

Warren fishing

Sweeet sunset at Mark Twain Lake

I camped on the shore for one night.
 The next 10 pictures show all the work it takes to cut down a cedar. Got to remove all the limbs down low, then fall it, and then stump it.

Finally can fall the thing



All done!

I now have 4 days off, but I really only have two. I'm going to Joplin tomorrow night to run the 1 year anniversary half marathon. I haven't been to Joplin in 7 months and I am eager to see what has changed. I love the city.

Until later,
