Saturday, July 30, 2011

First Post

I don't know how many people will follow this, but I thought that it would be nice to have for the few that will. Today I bought my plane ticket to St. Louis for the Wednesday after Labor day. I am getting pretty excited to go to a new place, and lucky for me, I still have a little over a month to enjoy my favorite things. Such as hanging out with Sarah's dog Marley, or Gnarly like I call her. We hang out and listen to country music for hours in my room. Gnarly just lays on my bed and has a blast. Good thing I am such a good dog sitter. 

I'll try my best to get on this every so often and update everyone on my travels. Hopefully I travel to many new places, help out those in need, have a blast while doing it, and learn all that I can. Catch you all in the future.
