Thursday, August 4, 2011

Itouch test

Woke up this morning in SolVista or Silver creek, what ever you want to call it. I stayed in this rather enormous cabin that had some great views. I saw a moose last night kind of, but that wasn't the highlight of my night. That title goes to the tourist who had the great idea to park his BMW sideways on the road north of Grand Lake. He then proceeded to blast his brights out into the meadow at a huge bull moose. That lasted about ten minutes until a park ranger pulled the idiot over. I wish I would have seen the moose charge the idiot. Come on man, haven't you seen When Moose Attack. That show is great. Well, that's all the excitement I've had lately. I would upload a picture of Sammy being cute, but blogger doesn't let me upload pictures from my itouch. Made it to a computer, so heres a picture of Sammy!

Catch you all later.


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