Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome to St Louis.

Hey everyone, here I am in St. Louis. So far, I have met 3 of my 4 roommates. One is my age who just graduated from Nebraska, another one is from Pennsylvania who should be a college sophomore but he's taking time off, and the other roommate is a 18 from St. Louis. I forgot my camera cord to upload pictures, so the following pictures were uploaded from my iTouch.

From the corner of my house, you can see some building downtown. Its only about 2 miles downtown. The park is to the left, and my house is behind me to the left.

Down one block from my house on Broadway, looking north to see the Arch. It's much larger than I imagined.

This gym is also one block from my house, they have cage fights there. I though it was interesting

The intersection of my house. 9th and Shenandoah.

Here's a really nice deli that I'll probably spend a lot of time in. Its 3 doors down from my house.

The nice park across the street from the house. Lots of dogs are walked here.

Here is my house. 916. I call it a house, because it is huge. But really, its just a condo.

Inside the house. I slept on the couch to the left because I don't have a bed yet.

Looking through the kitchen into where my room is. There's nothing but suitcases and backpacks

The kitchen.

My room, with a mattress that I need to get sheets for.

My room opens to a porch

Looking left out the porch

Looking right
Sorry for such bad quality pictures. Blame it on the iTouch. I'll have better ones soon when I get my cord. Today I'm going to find a Walmart and buy some needed things, and then I'm off to Chicago for the weekend. I'll keep taking pictures and exploring. Catch everyone later.


1 comment:

  1. I feel like this is a place they would like on House Hunters for its "charm"
