Friday, September 30, 2011


Hey everyone I have made it to Montana. I am writing this from my touch at the coffee shop, so I got to go fast. It took two full days to get here and I am pooped. Today we had the day off, but we start tomorrow building a bridge. I'll soon begin training to fight fires and to chop down trees. We're camping just outside of Butte, at Fleecer forest service cabin. When I get back to STL I'll upload pictures. Yesterday was stipend day, aka payday. It's great, I can now go buy things I need such as fire boots. I'll be here in Butte building things and being trained for a few weeks until around October 15. That's when the elk hunting season starts and we will get out of here. But I got to go, the truck is leaving. Of by the way, my beard looks great, I'll take a picture and put it up later. Bye now. Shamucas

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